Be Strong and Courageous

Be Strong and Courageous

Salt + Light `Ohana,

Our families have been in quarantine for over a month now, and we are beginning to see some signs that things are getting better around the world.  Right now is not the time to lose hope, give up, or turn back.  Right now is the time to continue to stay close to Jesus, our Risen Savior, and continue to praise Him with great expectations for the future and shine His hope to others who are living in fear and anxiety.

Jesus in da House!


Salt + Light `Ohana,

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  

After Jesus was crucified, the disciples were locked themselves in a room, in fear that they would be next!  There are times in our lives where we give into fear, or give up believing God is at work in our lives.  The disciples and “Doubting Thomas” are examples of what happens when we give in and give up.  

This Sunday, join us online at 9 am as we look at what happens “When The Risen Jesus Walks Into The Room.”  He is alive!  And when you meet Him you will never be the same!  

In the peace and joy of Jesus, 

Pastor Max 

Want some good conversation over a hot or cold drink? 
Join us at our new online hangout...



1 Can?...YES, 1 Can!!

The Veterans Administration cares for its veterans in many ways. However, having enough food for the veterans is always a special need.

Currently, 100 veterans are transitioning into housing from the streets. Outreach social workers go out into the community to provide food and services to 20 “non-sheltered” (homeless) veterans.

Although many of our Salt and Light ʻohana have less resources than previously, we are hopeful to collect 1 can from each family.

Our combined collection of cans and packaged food will be a significant offering of love to our veterans.

Donations may be dropped off at Pastor Max’s house:
625 E. Kunawai Lane
Honolulu, HI 96817

OR call May at (808) 387-4372 for more information and/or pickup.

Please join the effort to be Salt and Light to our hungry veterans in need! Deadline is Thursday, APRIL 30, 2020.


Participation is optional, but if you like art (or trying at it!) this can be a fun project for individuals and families!

WHAT and why?   HOPE ROCKS S+L project seeks to bless others with hope in Jesus during these uncertain times of the coronavirus pandemic. Through painting small rocks and leaving them on your exercise walks around the community, people will find them and be blessed--sort of like an Easter Egg hunt (ok, we've just missed Easter!) The finder will also be able to post their rock on social media (more on that below). Painted Rock communities have been growing in popularity in various areas on the mainland (if interested, google "painted rocks of hope").

HOW will ours be different?  Not only will this bring smiles and fun, but our finders will be blessed. First, we ask that you PRAY for the finder in advance. In faith, we trust God has that perfect person who needs a blessing!  Second, so that the finder may actually learn about S+L, we ask that our special social media project page be included on the back of each rock:  Hope Rocks S+L. This can be done in small writing or by placing a sticker (which can be provided if you don't have any).

On our social media group pages (on Facebook "Hope Rocks S+L" or Instagram "hoperocks_sl") is where you may post your pics of the rocks you paint. Our hope is that finders will post photos of the rocks they have found from us (it's done like this elsewhere and we think enough people know about it). Please pray that we will connect, make new friends and be able share the light of Jesus! 

WHERE: While it would be preferred to place these rocks around the Waikiki School community (Kapiolani Park, Diamond Head area), we understand if you would prefer to stay closer to your home.


  • Any kind of rock that can be painted (smooth river rock works best and can be provided)

  • Paint pens or colored sharpies (best for small river rocks)

  • Paint

  • Small paint brushes

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Sign up by Thursday, 4/30/20 at

QUESTIONS: Call/text Debbie at (808) 497-4161

A Call to Prayer and Fasting!


… if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

There are certain critical times when Jesus calls His Church to PRAY and FAST.  And, as the COVID-19 virus wreaks havoc in our state, nation and across the globe… this is one of those times! 

Join the fast!  Starting this Tuesday, April 7th, Salt + Light Hawaii will be starting a church-wide fast.  Please ask God about fasting each Tuesday in April, as we humble ourselves and pray God’s kingdom come, and His will be done.  Let’s pray God would hear our prayers and come and heal our land!  

What should you fast from?  Please pray and ask the Lord what to fast.  Fasting can include food, or tv, social media, coffee, or whatever God calls you to give up.  Whatever it is, please use that time you would have been doing that activity, to instead pray and seek God.  (If you are going to fast from food, please make sure that you and your family are healthy and able to fast without health complications.)

What should we pray for?  Pray for God to heal our nation and world.  Pray God would silence the enemy and turn hearts towards Him.  Pray for the enemy to be silenced.  Pray for a cure to COVID-19.  Pray for a great revival for many to know JESUS CHRIST!   

Let us know!  Please let our S+L Prayer Team know you are fasting and praying, so we can be praying for you during this time.  Please contact Amy Fong at:

Praying with you, 

Pastor Max


Special Good Friday Message

April 10 

This Friday is Good Friday, the day we remember Jesus’ death on the Cross.  Please join us for a special message by Pastor Max, as we look back at the sacrifice of our Savior.  

To watch the Special Good Friday Message online, click here, or go to the Salt and Light Hawaii YouTube channel.  


Easter Sunday Online Service

April 12, 9:00 am

“Light in the Darkness”

Invite your friends and family to join us for Easter Service!  Let’s prepare for an amazing time in worship, special testimonies and a powerful message of hope!  

To watch the service online, click here, or go to the Salt and Light Hawaii YouTube channel.  

Who Can We Trust to Save Us?


Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 20:7



Dear Salt + Light `Ohana,

This Sunday, we celebrate Palm Sunday, and cry out, “Hosanna!  Save us!”    In this time of uncertainty, people are looking for answers, for someone (or something) to save them from trouble.  Who can people trust to save them from danger?  

The Good News is that we have a Savior who has come to die for the sins of the world!  What an opportunity we have to trust in the name of the Lord, and help others to do the same!  Invite someone to join us for Palm Sunday online!

Trusting Him, 

Pastor Max

Call to Prayer and Fasting

Jesus said that there are certain times we need to pray and fast.  He said in Matthew 17:21, “But this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting.” 

Starting this Tuesday, April 7th, we will be starting a church-wide fast.  Please consider joining others each Tuesday in April, as we fast from breakfast until dinner.  The fast will end on Tuesday, April 28th.  

Fasting can include food, or t.v., social media, coffee, or whatever God calls you to give up.  Set aside special times throughout the day to pray.  

What should we pray for?  Whatever the Lord leads you to pray!  Ideas: For those who are sick around the world.  For God to give us a cure.  And mostly, for God to open the eyes and hearts of many to know and trust the Lamb of God to save them.  

Please be safe!  If you are going to fast food, please ensure you are healthy and able to fast a few meals during the day without health complications.  

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Fong at:

God is calling


Dear Salt + Light `Ohana,

Has God ever called you to do something that sounds impossible?  Maybe right now, just keeping from being anxious or fearful sounds impossible!  Well, God is calling each of us to follow Christ, to keep our eyes focused on Him like never before.  During this time of global quarantine, God is calling His Church to walk forward in faith and not turn back in fear! 

We can be confident and sure that God is with us, and will use us to encourage others to follow Jesus into all that God has planned for their lives!  Now is the time to stand up and step out!  Let’s pray and seek the Lord for what He is calling YOU towards!  Let’s be like Caleb and Joshua and come back with good reports of the Promised Land ahead!

Join us on Sunday morning at 9:00am for Online Church!  ⬅ click here

And, encourage someone else to “come to church” as well!

In faith,

Pastor Max

But the righteous will live by faith.
And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.

Hebrews 10:38

Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said,
“We should go up and take possession of the land,
for we can certainly do it.”
Numbers 13:30

Blessed to be a Blessing


Dear Salt + Light `Ohana,

How are you doing? Are you tired of being inside and separated from the outside world yet? Are you or people you know worried or fearful? Are you in need of a blessing?

Tomorrow, we will talk about the blessing of knowing God. God is good, and he is always here with us. When we know Christ, we know hope and peace, and we can extend that blessing of hope and peace to others!  

Check out the online service and let’s learn together how to be blessed to be a blessing!

Online Service: Sundays, 9:00am

To watch the service tomorrow online, click here,
or go to the Salt and Light Hawaii YouTube channel

I highly encourage you to tune in with your family, and please let your friends and extended family know about it too.  With all that is going on in the world, this is a fearful time for many. People are looking for answers and are in need of hope.  

Online Small Groups: Sundays, 9:40am

Salt and Light small groups have gone virtual! After the sermon, small groups will meet online to discuss the sermon and encourage one another. If you haven't already checked out a small group, it's a great time to do just that. You won't even need to drive there! Meeting with one another will help you connect and build relationships, as well as grow your faith in the Lord.
Groups will be meeting via Zoom (online video meeting).

To sign up for an online small group click here, or if you have any questions, please email          

Online Giving

To give online, go to our website and click on “Give Online” or you can give here.

Need Help? Need Prayer?  

If you, or anyone else in the community needs help or prayer, please let us know. We want to pray for and practically help meet needs in Jesus’ name.  Please email:

Looking forward to this new season of church, and to staying connected with you!

Be blessed + be a blessing, 

Pastor Max


Dear Salt + Light `Ohana,

In order to do our part in slowing down the spread of the coronavirus, and to be a good witness to our community, we will be suspending our normal worship service on Sunday mornings for the foreseeable future.  For now, we will take it week by week, and will continue to reassess the situation as we move forward.  

Although we will not be gathering together on Sundays as a large group, I want to encourage all of us to continue being the Church!  Here are some ways we will do that…

Online Service 
Sundays, 9:00am
Starting this Sunday, we will be providing an online service that you can watch with your family, or with your small group.  Beside the sermon, you can join along in worship, get some relevant information about what’s going on at Salt + Light, and discuss some small group questions about how to apply the sermon to your life. (Sermon notes and small group questions will be on the website each week.) 

To watch the service online, visit (and subscribe) to the Salt and Light YouTube channel at:

Small Groups
Throughout the week, small groups of about 10 people or less will continue to meet in homes to encourage one another, listen to the Word, meet needs, and pray for one another, and the community. 

For a listing of small groups you can join, please visit the Salt and Light webpage and click on “Small Groups”.  You can check them out here:

Online Giving
To give online go to our website and click on “Give Online”.  You can give here:

You can also mail tithes and offerings to our church mailing address at:
1410 Palolo Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816

Need Help? Need Prayer?  
If you, or anyone else in the community needs help or prayer, please let us know. We want to pray for and practically help meet needs in Jesus’ name.  Please contact Salt and Light at: 

Finally, while we are all making sure our families are safe and healthy, let’s also look out for those in our community who need hope and help.  Let’s continue to go and make disciples and be the Church.  With so much anxiety and confusion in our world, we have an opportunity to creatively share and give out the love and hope of Jesus Christ.  Spend time with our Heavenly Father in the Bible, in prayer, and let His Spirit lead you to be salt and light!  

Praying for you and your `ohana, 

Pastor Max
Salt + Light Hawaii


The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you

    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you

    and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

Stay Clean

Salt + Light Ohana,

This Sunday, we will continue to meet as usual, at Waikiki School at 9am.  We are currently praying and discussing our options about meeting the following weeks because of the coronavirus.  Please pray for God’s wisdom as we make important decisions about how it might change the way we gather as a large group.

Come ready to hear by we can “Stay Clean” and make good decisions based on God’s Word to us!  

Let’s all also be praying for our community and world in this important time.  No matter what, God wants us to not stop being His Church! We are the salt of the earth and light of the world!  Remember, faith is greater than fear and we have an awesome opportunity to shine the Light of Jesus in the darkness!  

Thank you, Church!

Hope Shines Brighter Than Fear,

Pastor Max 

What does the book of Leviticus have to do with my life?

Salt + Light Ohana,

This Sunday, we will continue our journey through Bible, we are now in the book of Leviticus! You might ask, “What does the book of Leviticus have to do with my life?” That’s a great question! We will learn how God has called us to live holy lives, to be set apart, so that we can serve Him and others! Come and see how God prepares and equips us for a holy life of ministry, a life of purpose and meaning when we give our lives away for the sake of the gospel…

Serving in Jesus’ name,

Pastor Max

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

…we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:10

So do not fear...

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  (Isaiah 41:10)

The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:5-7)

Salt + Light Ohana,

Recently, there has been a high degree of worry and anxiety over the news of the Coronavirus.  Besides that, life offers us many other things that we can be tempted to be fearful of. We can to those things with fear, or with faith.  The Bible encourages us in these times, and we must learn to introduce our fears to our faith in Christ! Come and learn how to have faith for today and hope for tomorrow… 

In His faith, hope and love,

Pastor Max