“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God
will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Salt + Light `Ohana,
Our families have been in quarantine for over a month now, and we are beginning to see some signs that things are getting better around the world. Right now is not the time to lose hope, give up, or turn back. Right now is the time to continue to stay close to Jesus, our Risen Savior, and continue to praise Him with great expectations for the future and shine His hope to others who are living in fear and anxiety.
This week, we will be talking about how God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous, as he led God’s people into the Promised Land. As a church family, let’s let God fill us with faith as we move forward into all that God has called us into!
I’d like to highlight a few different resources and opportunities for us to be Salt + Light this week…
First, our Children’s Ministry, SonShine Kids, would like to introduce some exciting resources for parents and children. We want to give you these resources so that our keiki will continue to grow in their faith in Christ.
Next, and our church will be collecting food for homeless veterans in our community. Please consider giving to our “1 Can…Yes, 1 Can!” Food Drive. You can give a can of food (or more if you’re able to) and attach a note of hope to it, so that we can pass on the hope of Jesus to others who so desperately need it! Deadline is this Thursday, April 30, 2020. Please visit our website for details.
Finally, we have started “Hope Rocks!” and painting rocks with messages of hope and dropping them off in different places in our community. Also, please visit our website for details and how you can participate.
Moving forward courageously with Jesus,
Pastor Max
Hi Salt+Light Parents!
I hope that your families are safe, healthy, and enjoying spending quality time together during this time. Please let your children know that myself, as well as our SonShine Kids Ministry Team, are thinking about, missing, and praying for them! While our church is closed due to the coronavirus, I wanted to share some resources with you.
The first article called Parenting Well in the Midst of a Pandemic has helpful tips on being sensitive to what your child may be going through, ways to communicate, digging into God's word together, and ideas of how families can reach out to others.
The next resource is called Go! Kids Church Online. This curriculum includes videos with lessons for families to enjoy from the comforts of their homes. I really like how family discussion time is embedded in the video as it encourages you to stop, read a verse, and answer questions that the family can discuss together. There are also worship videos for young ones, as well as older children. Lesson plans and activity sheets are provided with a new lesson each week. All this is absolutely free! Parents simply download and print. Do not feel pressured to do all the activities! Feel free to pick and choose activities that are relevant to your families needs.
Take care and blessings!
Salt + Light Children’s Ministry Director
Tyler says...
Kids are sponges, which is great and also frightening, right? Little ears are ALWAYS listening. With all the talk about COVID-19 and the many changes to family routines...(more)
Kids Church Online | GO! Curriculum for Children's Ministry
CORONAVIRUS is keeping kids from church, so let's reach them where they're at...The GO! team has been hard at work to help support you and your children's ministry...(more)