Jesus: God or Good Man?


“But these are written that you may believe that
Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, 
and that by believing you may have life in his name.” 

John 20:31


Salt + Light `Ohana,

Our world is fine with Jesus being a good teacher, or a peaceful, loving hippie, but our world takes issue with Jesus being God.  Have you noticed a world that is increasingly hostile towards the Jesus of the Bible?  While other religious leaders such as Buddha or Mohammed are welcomed, there is little to no room for Jesus in the inn, the university, the media or the government any longer!
This week, we will learn about who the Bible says that Jesus really is.  He is God and He is with us, and we can go out with boldness into the world, and let others know the Good News!  During this dark time our world is experiencing, let’s grab ahold of the truth in the Bible about Jesus and go out and share the hope of the Gospel with others!  

All for Jesus,

Pastor Max 


Thank you to everyone who donated food for our “1 Can… Yes, 1 Can!” Food Drive!  We were able to collect food for homeless veterans and veterans moving into transitional housing.  Along with food, the notes of encouragement will uplift those needing hope during this time!  A special mahalo to May Kealoha for organizing the food drive!


Sharing Hope and Faith Through Painted Rocks

Feeling cooped up...or bored? If you or your kids are in need of some creative outlet and a little exercise, join us in spreading some joy and HOPE during this coronavirus time. After you've painted these Hope Rocks, take them on your exercise walks and "hide" them for others to easily discover. By sharing these stones of inspiration, faith, and encouragement, we hope to be a blessing to the greater Diamond Head to East Oahu communities. If you'd like to let us know if you'll join us or have questions or need anything, go to:

Take a pic and share it on Facebook group page: Hope Rocks S+L or tag: hoperocks_sl on Instagram.