mother's day

Feeling Disqualified?


Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water
will be thirsty again,
 but whoever drinks the water
I give them will never thirst. 
Indeed, the water I give them will become
in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14

Salt + Light `Ohana,

Have you ever felt like you’ve been disqualified from God’s best plan for your life?  Have you been tempted to throw in the towel and give up following Jesus?  If that’s you, don’t believe it for a second!  God has a perfect plan for your life, and wants to take you from the sidelines and put you back in the game!  

Join us this Sunday to find out how Jesus can do that in your life!

Filled with Living Water,

Pastor Max 

Happy Mother's Day Weekend to all! We love you!
 Let's take time to celebrate the moms in our lives!




Did you know that just one blood donation can save up to three lives?  The Blood Bank of Hawaii is in need of blood because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Donating blood is easy. Pre-donation screenings are completed for every potential donation to ensure there is a healthy blood supply, and safety measures are taken with all who come in to donate (social distancing, masks). 

To schedule an appointment at any of the six locations, or for more info go to:



Domestic violence is on the rise during the statewide quarantine.  Local shelters are at maximum capacity and help is needed more than ever before.  Our church can help victims of domestic violence by donating items to a local women’s shelter in the Honolulu area through Child and Family Service. 

Items include, pillows, towels, toiletries, slippers, and clothing (for women and children only).   

If any of you would like to donate any items, please contact Pastor Max Fowler at:

Donations can be dropped off to Pastor Max’s home in Liliha (625-E Kunawai Lane) or picked up from your home.  Items need to be donated by Monday, May 25th.  Mahalo!  

Salt + Light Hawaii is also helping buy bento lunches for a local shelter on Mother’s Day.


Sharing Hope and Faith Through Painted Rocks

Feeling cooped up...or bored? If you or your kids are in need of some creative outlet and a little exercise, join us in spreading some joy and HOPE during this coronavirus time. After you've painted these Hope Rocks, take them on your exercise walks and "hide" them for others to easily discover. By sharing these stones of inspiration, faith, and encouragement, we hope to be a blessing to the greater Diamond Head to East Oahu communities. If you'd like to let us know if you'll join us or have questions or need anything, go to:

Take a pic and share it on Facebook group page: Hope Rocks S+L or tag: hoperocks_sl on Instagram.