A Better Way!

There is a better way than always being defeated by your sin!  Stop the cycle of trying harder or doing better.  Instead of experiencing that frustrating pattern day in and day out, experience God’s forgiveness and freedom and begin to live in Christ!  Join us this Sunday to find out how!  

Returning to In-Person Services Survey Results  

Thank you for participating in the survey!  Here’s a quick summary of the results that caught my attention… 

  • 36% of respondents are "ready to return" to in-person services, with another 16% open to returning w/ some caveats.  40% would prefer to continue online services.  

  • 33% of the responses received to the final question ("How can S+L best help you during these difficult times?") indicated "I need to talk to someone I can trust".  Regardless of degree of physical distancing, the need for connection remains strong. 

Our church is continuing to review and pray through the results of the survey, so that we can be responsive to what the Lord is saying in all of it.  Right now, we will continue meeting online for our Sunday Worship Service, with Communion and Discussion Groups to follow.  We are also adding a once a month in-person gathering in the park, as we did for our One Year Anniversary.  More details to come soon.  We also hope that our church will continue to meet in small groups throughout the week so that we can support and encourage one another in this time.  

To view the full results to the survey, please click: HERE

Any questions, please contact me at: max@saltandlighthawaii.org

In the Spirit,

Pastor Max