Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Salt + Light `Ohana, 

In the book of Romans, Paul wrote to the Church in Rome, who faced many of the same issues we face today.  Our society is just as morally corrupt and ungodly as the Romans were.  What is the answer to society’s problems?  What is the answer to our personal problems?  The answer is the Gospel.  The Gospel has the power to change us and our surrounding culture, and like Paul, we are called to not be ashamed, but continue to boldly proclaim Good News of Jesus!  

In His love and grace, 

Pastor Max 


Communion and Discussion Groups on Zoom
Sundays, 9:45AM

Looking for ways to get connected at Salt + Light?  After the sermon ends this Sunday, please join us online as we gather for communion and discussion groups!  Join us on Zoom from 9:45am – 10:30am!  

Join Zoom Meeting [Click Meeting ID below]

Meeting ID: 962 8069 4123
Password: Communion

Aloha On Purpose
Online Conference
4 Days of Aloha Celebrations

Simple. Practical. Powerful. Reproducible.

Experience & Receive a fresh outpouring of God’s Mana & Aloha.
Learn practical ways of how to fill your life, home & workplace with a culture of Aloha.

Strengthen & Restore connections in your relationships.
Receive impartation and learn practical tools on how to connect with loved ones.

Discover your destiny & receive hope.
Local & global speakers will share their stories and impart blessings for you to begin to live out your God-given purpose.

Cost: FREE!!!

July 22 - 25, 2020 (Wednesday - Saturday)
Wednesday - Friday: 6:45pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm


For more details or to register
go to

THANK YOU for joining us at our
One Year Anniversary Celebration!

Thank you for joining us last Sunday to celebrate our One-Year Anniversary Celebration!  What a blessing it was to see one another again as we worshipped Jesus and celebrated Him together in-person for the first time in four months!  And thank you to all of you who joined in the online livestream!  

Thank you to all who also went and dropped off “Bags of Hope” to the surrounding neighbors!  As we enter year two, we will continue to be salt and light in our community, bringing the Good News of Christ to all during this difficult time!