Dear Salt and Light 'Ohana,
Thank you for being full of faith and courage during this unprecedented crisis. Do you know that the last day that we met together in person at Waikiki School for Sunday Worship Service was on March 15th? Yes, ten weeks ago! Over that time span, we have never stopped being the Church, as transitioned from in person gatherings - to online services and small group meetings. I have been amazed at how flexible and willing our church is to adapt and continue to love and serve God and others in our community in the midst of such challenging times! I praise the Lord!
With the opening up of other churches around Hawaii (and the nation) you are probably wondering, “When will Salt + Light meet again in person for worship service on Sundays?” What a great question… I have been asking the same thing!
To give you the latest update, our church is currently in discussions with Waikiki School to see when we will be allowed to use their campus on Sunday mornings. As of today, the school, who is under the Department of Education’s policies, has notified us that we will not be allowed to meet on the campus any time before Sunday, June 30th. We will continue to communicate with the school and DOE, and as soon as information becomes available to our church, it will be made known to you through email updates and our website. There really is no timetable, and it might be a while before we can use the school campus, so I humbly ask for your continued patience.
Whenever we do start gathering again in person, we will make sure to follow the proper guidelines regarding social distancing, cleaning and keeping our church safe. If you are a senior citizen, or experiencing any symptoms of being sick, we kindly ask that you stay at home and watch the service online, which will be provided live each week. Whoever you are, please feel no pressure to come back to worship services – just ask God what is the right timing for you and your family and come back when you are ready!
Most importantly, let’s continue to pray and ask God to keep us close to Him in this time. Remember, peace is a person, and His name is Jesus. Enjoy the closeness of His presence like never before! God knows everything that we are going through and He is with us every step of the way! And, so is your church family. Your brothers and sisters are here for you, so if you need any help or support at any time, do not hesitate to ask.
If you have any questions, please email me at
In faith, hope and love,
Pastor Max